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Kate Baker

Connect with Kate @KtBkr4

Kate Baker

Kate Baker, M.Ed and MAIT, is an English teacher at Southern Regional High School in Manahawkin, NJ, and a contributing ​author of Flipping 2.​0​: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Classroom. With 18 years teaching experience, Kate adeptly integrates technology in her classes using flipped and blended learning strategies and has been recognized as a Jacobs Educator by the University of Indiana, PBS LearningMedia Local Digital Innovator, American Graduate Champion, InsertLearning Ambassador, and as an Edmodo Certified Trainer and Support Ambassador. Passionate about evolving authentic learning into digital formats, Kate leads by example and shares her expertise as a member of the executive board of the Flipped Learning Network and through Twitter chats, blogging, e-journals and presentations at regional, national, international conferences such as EdmodoCon 2013, Conference on English Leadership 2013-16, FlipCon 2014-2015, TeachMeetNJ 2012-2014, EdcampPhilly 2013-14, ECET2NJPA 2014-16, and the 2014-17 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conferences. You can also connect with Kate on Twitter @KtBkr4 and read about her teaching techniques on her blog, Baker's BYOD (

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