This is the story with only weeks to go.
In under three weeks there is a tremendous flipped and blended learning conference happening in Huntley, Illinois, June 15th and 16th. This is more than a sales pitch for the Illinois Flipped & Blended Learning Network Conference (#ILfabCon), this is a behind-the-scenes look at some of the things that it takes to put on a flip conference. You can read in my previous blogs about the genesis of this idea from the mind of one crazy Chicagoan, combined with the unlimited energy of another Chicagoan, and a fella from a cornfield. There is also a previous blog in which I described the good, the bad, and the ugly of getting a conference planned and on the ground. This blog is a last-minute update as we prepare to actually put this thing on. You can find the registration page along with the most current schedule here.
A Small Scare…
For the rest of Matthew's blog post, lease CLICK HERE.