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Finishing The Flipped Framework: Building An Effective F-L-I-P

Let's finish building our flipped framework. This next installment of the twelve part F-L-I-P learning training series provide a quick but complete overview of flipped learning’s creating a strong framework.

Now that we have looked at the four pillars of F-L-I-P, in this installment we will finish our practical case study and framework for flipping, so enjoy this entry and check back again for the next two installments that address the In-Flip and more in our training series.

I hope you enjoyed the first half of this training series, available here. Please enjoy these next two installments addressing flipped learning. Each of the installments varies in length but are not longer than eleven minutes, with most significantly shorter. Subscribe to my blog at for each new installment over the next few weeks. Also don't forget to join the twitter conversation Monday nights at 8pm ET / 7pm CT at #flipclass.

Matthew is the author of the book DIBs: Using Digital Instruction Blocks, available on He is also a board member for the Flipped Learning Network and a Co-founder of the Illinois Flipped & Blended Learning Network. Matthew is a mathematics teacher with seventeen years of experience at the high school level and has also served as an adjunct instructor at the local community college for the since 2004. He can be followed at @matthew_t_moore and maintains a web site at

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